i love to surf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 14teen years old.I am Homeschooled. My fav. spot to surf is at hale'iwa ali'i beach...Im in 8th grade... I'm shy and friendly .I'm sweet haha

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend :)

hey it's hine I had such a great weekend......I went to hawAii Kai and then I had a contest at sandys :) I got 1st lol

Friday, January 28, 2011

heyyy heyyy

Weekend is gonnna be superrr fun :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keshia lol

Heyy this week as been such a short week i spent it with my bff keshia shes leaving super soon im gonna miss her sooo much :( This weekend is gonna super fun. I think im gonna go to hawaii kai to see my cousin yayay hahaha.. I hope everybody has a great day its super sunny lol go outside and surf......thanks for reading my blog :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

hii lol

heyyy i had a great day lol haha i cant wait for a sleepover with my bff keshia before she leaves lol :) have a great nite and thanks for reading my blog

Monday, January 24, 2011

weekend fun

Hey i hope everybody had a great weekend cause i know i did..i went surfing this weekend with my bff keshia.Shes from portugal...she only comes here once a year for three months even within that time i never get to see her but im gonna have a sleepover with her im super exicted lol... shes like my sister that lives half around the greatful to have her as a friend more like a sister.. love ya kes..thanks for reading my blog have a great dayy

Sunday, January 23, 2011


heyyy guys i hope your having a great day today.
i just came home from running..
Now im gonna go surfing later with my BFF keshia yaya
i havent seen her in a while well im gonna get off now
Have a great day love ya guys Hine Sis Kaiwahine

Saturday, January 22, 2011


heyy im having a great weekend i hope u guys are too....might be going to the big island todayyy yaya i cant wait......hope i get to see all of my cousin yaya haha have a great weekend

Friday, January 21, 2011

what to do this weekend?

Hey...this weekend I'm going to the ice palace then after that I'm going to Makaha for two days yaya I'm soo excited. I get to see all of my friends from Nawai Pu'u and Riggs yayay :) I cant wait for next month im gonna go to cali for two weeks at the end of the month yaya I get to c tia..Well i hope u enjoy reading my blog and thanks for reading it too. I'm wishing u all a safe weekend and have a great weekend. Love Hine Kaiwahine Sis or sister


heyy its Kaiwahine just got done eating now just uploading my blog... What to do this weekend.

new Pics

Meet My Best Friend Her Name is Malama but i called her Beautiful shes 13 yrs old and is my sister that i love .....She lives in waikiki and shes surfs super good im greatful to have her in my life haha ..........shes my surfing buddie haha shes owns queens cuz she surfs sooo good! Shes super prettyy..i love her like a sister.

The pics that u seee are pics from my 14th bdayy at Makaha Beach i got to spend it with my bff Malama and all of my cousins and friends from makaha. It was the Rell Sunn soo i got to see all of my friends from all Riggs Napoleon, Kaulana Apo,Nawai Pu'U.. and all of my other friends that made that day an speical day for me..


Heyy just pau running a mile today... had a great day found out that i might be going to cali next month to c tia yaya